Austerity: The ugly truth

What We Need From You

The left-wing media goes on an awful lot about all the vulnerable people that are affected by austerity (as they should!) but we figure, why not give those very people a voice? The People’s Resistance is an anti-austerity, pro-equality, pro-civil liberties movement born from the ashes of the shock election result, in which the Tories won a, ahem, ‘majority’. Nobody saw it coming, and now that it’s here, we are not particularly happy about it. But there’s no point dwelling. The thing we have to focus on now is the question of just how on earth we are going to convince the British electorate that they made the wrong decision?

We believe there is a lack of sentimentality in Westminster and the political spectrum, a lack of compassion for our fellow citizens, an unwillingness to take the needs of other people into the equation when casting our vote. That’s what we want to change. We believe the politics of the future cannot be about profit over people, self-interest over community, infinite growth over sustainable and happy living. We believe a society can only be considered successful when it’s successful for everybody—when no one is left behind.

If we are trying to promote altruism in the political sphere, though, and fight austerity, then we’re going to have to show everyone why it’s necessary—not through a graph or a stream of statistics, but through the reality of the thing. That’s the reality as its experienced by real, living, breathing people, up and down the country. So, we need your stories! Have you or a loved one been affected by the cuts? Show us how ‘balancing the books’ translates into your day-to-day living. Are you working but still can’t make ends meet? Then make people understand just how hard it is! Are you a migrant? Tell us how the anti-migrant rhetoric and the rise of the far-right has affected you. Are you Muslim? We want to understand the impact that the rise in Islamophobia has had on you! Are you a young person fearful for the future? Defend your generation! Or are you simply a human who doesn’t want to witness the devaluing of our national humanity and do nothing? Give us all you’ve got!

If you want to help our cause, but haven’t been personally affected, you could always write us an opinion piece or feature. Best of all, why not go out and find someone to interview. There are literally millions out there who are struggling to cope with Cameron and his mate’s policies, whether its doctors, nurses, teachers, immigrants, parents, firemen, police officers, you name it. Go out and find a story to tell, because we need to reach everyone.

There are some amazing journalists and activists out there fighting to get the message out that austerity doesn’t work. It’s our duty to help them out, by giving a face to the policy. The only chance that we, the millions who didn’t vote for The Tory government, have now is by uniting together—we need cooperation and communication. Otherwise we don’t stand a chance.

You don’t need to be a writer (we’re always here to help with editing if necessary, but we aim to keep it to a minimum). This site is about giving a voice to each and every one of the millions affected by Tory policy.

Sob stories work on the X-Factor, it’s about time they worked in real life! So get writing!


We will not be able to include articles that make statistical claims that can’t be proved, which could open us up to ridicule from the very people we’re trying to communicate with, so please make sure, if you do want to include any facts and figures, that you send us your sources too. They don’t have to be linked in, but send them at the end of the piece so that we can keep them on record. Furthermore, pieces that incite hatred or intolerance against any group of people will never be accepted. We’re about understanding and compassion—even for the Tories!

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